Egan 2024.01 - Top Performers
We have liftoff! Starting things off on the right pedal, we had 98 riders racking up 280 PRs. What a crowd! Not wanting Chloe to miss out on the suffering fun, the B-group kindly waited before launching off. Dirk humbled the A-group by showing what it means to leave it all on the road.
In his Egan debut, Matthew took the rider of the day with PRs on all 7 segments. Rachel Huang claimed the women’s GC while Jack Liu - thanks to his backpack full of helium - took the men’s GC.
Note: If you’re wondering how to show up in the results, here’s how it works:
Join the Egan club on Strava:
Upload your ride that evening (the results are tabulated early Wednesday mornings)
In your privacy controls, make sure that everyone can see your activities (if you’re worried about privacy, Strava has other settings such as restricting your profile page to followers and map start/end point visibility)
You have to complete all segments to show up in the GC
Photo Credit: Simon Parton
Photo Credit: Hannon Ayer