Race Report: Oakland GP - P123

Date: September 15th

AVRT Racers: Jon, Jack, Flo, PA

[Report written by PA]

We wrapped up the crit season on a super cool course and had a solid squad with four of us lined up. I was all set to race hard and make it into a solid breakaway. Right from the start, it was intense with Mike's Bikes pushing to split the group. I was feeling sharp and jumped on any moves that looked like they could break away.

About 20 minutes in, I found myself in a two-man break with Jackson (Mike's Bikes). I wasn’t totally sold on our chances, so I held back a bit, but we still managed to get a decent lead and held it for about 10 laps. Eventually, Dolce Vita and a bunch of strong solo riders reeled us back in.

As soon as they caught us, Sean (Mike's Bikes) hit us with a counter-attack. He was quickly joined by Miles (Voler), Trevor (Enjoy), and Ethan (Subaru Santa Monica). We tried to bridge across to them, but by that point in the race, we just didn’t have the legs, and they got away. I still gave everything in the final sprint and managed to snag 7th place.


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