Egan 2024.26 - Top Performers

Maybe it was the “heat wave”, maybe it was the extended Labor Day weekend, but we had a less-than-average turnout for Egan 2024.26. Still, it was a fun and memorable ride with a picture perfect finish in Foothills Park just as the sun was setting. Remember, the end of the Egan 2024 season is slowly approaching, with only 2 more rides remaining ☹️ and the last official Egan scheduled for Sept 17th, followed by an informal Egan & banquet on Sept 24th.

Official Results:

Jack Lund was rider of the day with PRs on 5 segments and a top 10 on Tanglewood Lane. Once again, Jen Tavé took the top GC spot for the women while Matin Massoudi took the GC crown for the men.

Note: If you’re wondering how to show up in the results, here’s how it works:

  • Upload your ride that evening (the results are tabulated early Wednesday mornings)

  • In your privacy controls, make sure that everyone can see your activities (if you’re worried about privacy, Strava has other settings such as restricting your profile page to followers and map start/end point visibility)

  • You have to complete all segments to show up in the GC

Jack Lund only had a single water bottle to weigh him down on the climbs 


Egan 2024.27 - Egan GP


Egan 2024.26 - Moody Blues